PMIP (Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project) is an international project for coordinating palaeoclimate modelling activities designed to understand the mechanisms of climate change and test whether climate models can represent a climate state different from the present day. PMIP organizes coordinated model experiments for key periods in the past, designed to study the impact of changes in various boundary conditions, external events, and the impact of feedbacks in climate models. As a result, work with PMIP has become an important focus of CRANE’s Climate Modelling Project. The annual PMIP 2020 Conference was originally organized for Nanjing, China, between October 26-30, but was predominantly held online due to Covid-19. CRANE researchers Dick Peltier, Deepak Chandan, and Yiling Huo of the Department of Physics presented CRANE-related work.
The first presentation by Deepak Chandan and Dick Peltier was entitled:
African Humid Period Sustained by Robust Vegetation, Soil and Lake Feedbacks

The second presentation was by Yiling Huo, along with Peltier and Chandan, and was entitled:
Dynamically Downscaled Climate Simulations for the South and Southeast Asian Monsoon during the Mid-Holocene

The full paper discussing Deepak and Dick’s research on the “Green Sahara” can be found at: